Image 31289, 12.30 Pitsford to Pitsford cream tea special, Merry Tom lane

31289, 12.30 Pitsford to Pitsford cream tea special, Merry Tom lane
31289, 12.30 Pitsford to Pitsford cream tea special, Merry Tom lane 
 As we approached The Northampton and Lamport Railway on our bikes, 31289 'Phoenix' was seen approaching Merry Tom Lane where the train reversed. 31289 has been on this railway, apart from a short stint on-loan to The Rushden Transport Museum since 1998. 
 Keywords: 31289 Merry Tom lane
31289, 12.30 Pitsford to Pitsford cream tea special, Merry Tom lane 
 As we approached The Northampton and Lamport Railway on our bikes, 31289 'Phoenix' was seen approaching Merry Tom Lane where the train reversed. 31289 has been on this railway, apart from a short stint on-loan to The Rushden Transport Museum since 1998. 
 Keywords: 31289 Merry Tom lane

As we approached The Northampton and Lamport Railway on our

bikes, 31289 'Phoenix' was seen approaching Merry Tom Lane where the train reversed. 31289 has been on this railway, apart from a short stint on-loan to The Rushden Transport Museum since 1998.