Image 221101 & 221117, VT 18.23 London Euston-Shrewsbury (9J38, 5L), Ashton Road Bridge

221101 & 221117, VT 18.23 London Euston-Shrewsbury (9J38, 5L), Ashton Road Bridge
221101 & 221117, VT 18.23 London Euston-Shrewsbury (9J38, 5L), Ashton Road Bridge 
 The 18.23 London Euston to Chester passes just south of Roade near Northampton. The two units are 221101 'Louis Blériot' and 221 117 'The Wrekin Giant' . I can imagine that a journey from London to Chester on one of these units would be a bit cramped and noisy, whilst fast they are not great to ride in! 
 Keywords: 221101 & 221117 9J38 Ashton Road Bridge
221101 & 221117, VT 18.23 London Euston-Shrewsbury (9J38, 5L), Ashton Road Bridge 
 The 18.23 London Euston to Chester passes just south of Roade near Northampton. The two units are 221101 'Louis Blériot' and 221 117 'The Wrekin Giant' . I can imagine that a journey from London to Chester on one of these units would be a bit cramped and noisy, whilst fast they are not great to ride in! 
 Keywords: 221101 & 221117 9J38 Ashton Road Bridge

The 18.23 London Euston to Chester passes just south of

Roade near Northampton. The two units are 221101 'Louis Blériot' and 221 117 'The Wrekin Giant' . I can imagine that a journey from London to Chester on one of these units would be a bit cramped and noisy, whilst fast they are not great to ride in!