Image 350234 & 350101, 09.05 Northampton Riverside-Northampton ECS (5N02), Northampton station

350234 & 350101, 09.05 Northampton Riverside-Northampton ECS (5N02), Northampton station
350234 & 350101, 09.05 Northampton Riverside-Northampton ECS (5N02), Northampton station 
 350234 and 350 101 drift into Northampton station having made the short reverse journey from the Riverside Sidings, that are directly behind me, as the ECS for the first up working of the morning to London Euston. 
 Keywords: 350234 350101 ECS 5N02 Northampton station
350234 & 350101, 09.05 Northampton Riverside-Northampton ECS (5N02), Northampton station 
 350234 and 350 101 drift into Northampton station having made the short reverse journey from the Riverside Sidings, that are directly behind me, as the ECS for the first up working of the morning to London Euston. 
 Keywords: 350234 350101 ECS 5N02 Northampton station

350234 and 350 101 drift into Northampton station having made

the short reverse journey from the Riverside Sidings, that are directly behind me, as the ECS for the first up working of the morning to London Euston.