Image 390011, VT 11.07 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B13, 29L), Roade Hill

390011, VT 11.07 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B13, 29L), Roade Hill
390011, VT 11.07 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B13, 29L), Roade Hill 
 Looking very smart in it new style Virgin branding, 390011 'City of Lichfield' races past Roade Hill on its way south forming the 11.07 Wolverhampton to London Euston. The original livery created an illusion that the Pendolinos had big windows as the amount of their bodyside that was in black was much greater. However, in this livery, the real size of the windows is clear, they are a lot smaller than you were led to believe. 
 Keywords: 390011 1B13 City of Lichfield Roade Hill
390011, VT 11.07 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B13, 29L), Roade Hill 
 Looking very smart in it new style Virgin branding, 390011 'City of Lichfield' races past Roade Hill on its way south forming the 11.07 Wolverhampton to London Euston. The original livery created an illusion that the Pendolinos had big windows as the amount of their bodyside that was in black was much greater. However, in this livery, the real size of the windows is clear, they are a lot smaller than you were led to believe. 
 Keywords: 390011 1B13 City of Lichfield Roade Hill

Looking very smart in it new style Virgin branding, 390011

'City of Lichfield' races past Roade Hill on its way south forming the 11.07 Wolverhampton to London Euston. The original livery created an illusion that the Pendolinos had big windows as the amount of their bodyside that was in black was much greater. However, in this livery, the real size of the windows is clear, they are a lot smaller than you were led to believe.