Image 390043, VT 11.07 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B13, 6E), Roade Cutting

390043, VT 11.07 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B13, 6E), Roade Cutting
390043, VT 11.07 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B13, 6E), Roade Cutting 
 390043 'Virgin Explorer' heads south through Road Cutting with the 11.07 Wolverhampton to London Euston. To successfully take a picture of an up train on the fast, a portrait shot is best used as in landscape, the composition is too messy. 
 Keywords: 390043 1B13 Roade Cutting
390043, VT 11.07 Wolverhampton-London Euston (1B13, 6E), Roade Cutting 
 390043 'Virgin Explorer' heads south through Road Cutting with the 11.07 Wolverhampton to London Euston. To successfully take a picture of an up train on the fast, a portrait shot is best used as in landscape, the composition is too messy. 
 Keywords: 390043 1B13 Roade Cutting

390043 'Virgin Explorer' heads south through Road Cutting with the

11.07 Wolverhampton to London Euston. To successfully take a picture of an up train on the fast, a portrait shot is best used as in landscape, the composition is too messy.