Image 83002, undergoing overhaul, Crewe Works

83002, undergoing overhaul, Crewe Works
83002, undergoing overhaul, Crewe Works 
 83002 receives attention at Crewe Works. A bit of dark and 'atmospheric' shot but one of very few I have class 83s. This engine was new in 1960, and withdrawn in 1983. It was cut up at Vic Berry's in Leicester.
83002, undergoing overhaul, Crewe Works 
 83002 receives attention at Crewe Works. A bit of dark and 'atmospheric' shot but one of very few I have class 83s. This engine was new in 1960, and withdrawn in 1983. It was cut up at Vic Berry's in Leicester.

83002 receives attention at Crewe Works. A bit of dark

and 'atmospheric' shot but one of very few I have class 83s. This engine was new in 1960, and withdrawn in 1983. It was cut up at Vic Berry's in Leicester.