Image 253005, unidentified diverted London Paddington working, Avoncliff station

253005, unidentified diverted London Paddington working, Avoncliff station
253005, unidentified diverted London Paddington working, Avoncliff station 
 253005 HST passes Avoncliff halt in the Avon Valley between Bath Spa and Bradford-on-Avon on a working to London Paddington. It's using this route due to a freight derailment closing the GWML at Challow. Trains ran up and down the Avon Valley, around the rarely used Westbury East Loop and then on the Berks and Hants route to and from Paddington. Notice the missing plastic cover from the running lights, a common feature of these class 43s just a year or so into their service. Thanks to Kevin Daniel for this information.
253005, unidentified diverted London Paddington working, Avoncliff station 
 253005 HST passes Avoncliff halt in the Avon Valley between Bath Spa and Bradford-on-Avon on a working to London Paddington. It's using this route due to a freight derailment closing the GWML at Challow. Trains ran up and down the Avon Valley, around the rarely used Westbury East Loop and then on the Berks and Hants route to and from Paddington. Notice the missing plastic cover from the running lights, a common feature of these class 43s just a year or so into their service. Thanks to Kevin Daniel for this information.

253005 HST passes Avoncliff halt in the Avon Valley between

Bath Spa and Bradford-on-Avon on a working to London Paddington. It's using this route due to a freight derailment closing the GWML at Challow. Trains ran up and down the Avon Valley, around the rarely used Westbury East Loop and then on the Berks and Hants route to and from Paddington. Notice the missing plastic cover from the running lights, a common feature of these class 43s just a year or so into their service. Thanks to Kevin Daniel for this information.